Spatial pattern evolution of economic links in Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration. Increasing P (P, temperature) with sub-watershed area is a direct consequence of atmospheric energy input [38]. Chemical fertilizers have been the major cause of the green revolution, while manure is the traditional source for soil nutrition. (2) The backbone correlation axes of the three industries show the characteristics of a closed triangular connection, dual-core linkage development, and multi-center multi-axis interaction. The most important geographical and topographical features of Greece were its mountainous terrain and its placement as a peninsula in the Mediterranean. Rugged terrain restricts the concentration of population in any area. Factor # 1. Secondly, the sensitivity of streamflow to precipitation is higher in temperate climate class (C) [27] where surface land runoff absorbs heat from the ground surface to elevate the water temperature. The watershed topography and local socio-economics probably impact the sensitivity of the response of water quality to climate drivers. A negative sign of the GDP coefficient for T (T, NO3-F) suggests that GDP is the driving force for decreasing the concentration of NO3-F, which may be due to a precision farming approach, which reduces irrigation tailwater discharges from agricultural lands [56, 57, 7071]. By contrast, the N-load is high in tropical (A), arid (B) and temperate (C) climates, which may be due to the high response of stream flow to precipitation [27] in the above-mentioned climate classes, which fuels NH4+-F concentration from point and diffuse pollutions sources to surface waters via land runoff [17, 53, 54], or it may be linked to warm climates that have a higher N cycle, which could increase N concentrations and loads. Blasi, S.; Ganzaroli, A.; De Noni, I. Smartening sustainable development in cities: Strengthening the theoretical linkage between smart cities and SDGs. The mean slope has a positive coefficient for T (T, NOx-F). Volume 12, 1996-2023 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. The water quality data were collected by the local authorities of their corresponding countries. Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. The second industry is the JiujiaJinwu dual-core linkage, with Jiujia as the lead and Jiuzhang and Jinwu as the backbone. Today, geography still plays an important but much more nuanced role in the development of economies. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. Development dynamics emerging country example (case study) Connectivity Improved The basic answer is that the farther away you get from the earth, the thinner the atmosphere gets. Ocean currents. The impact of mean slope on water chemistry varies due to the physical characteristics of the sub-watershed, which includes surficial geology, land use, morphological variables and surficial debris [51, 52]. How does topography affect human life? Watershed topography, such as catchment area and slope, is an important element that affects surface waters and basin hydrology [1518]. According to the results of the network centrality, the city cluster forms four core economic circles, namely Jiujia, Dungua, Zhangye, and Jinwu. Weather can change from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, month-to-month or even year-to-year. This can make These energy inputs heat up the land surface, which may increase water temperature due to heat transfer via land runoff from the catchment (especially paved areas) to surface waters [39, 40]. GDP acted as a stabilizing agent in maintaining CEWQ in both tropical (A) and temperate (C) climate classes, while runoff coefficient, slope and population density fuels the risk of instability in temperate climate class (C). Zheng, B.-M.; Liu, A.-L.; Han, J.-L.; Ming, Q.-Z. Topographical relief is a key factor that limits population distribution and economic development in mountainous areas. So, feel free to use this information and benefit from expert answers to the questions you are interested in! To summarize, this paper chooses the Hexi Corridor urban agglomeration as the research area, which is at the forefront of the opening up of the Belt and Road and located in an economically underdeveloped region with an extremely important geographical location. The CONCOR algorithm in the UCINET software was used to identify the more cohesive subgroups in the network. ; Li, M.-L. Study on Spatial Connection and Optimization of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area: Based on urban flow intensity and gravity model. Spatial and temporal evolution of economic links between Lanzhou and Xining urban agglomeration based on the accessibility. Water Quality Index Application to Evaluate the Ground Water Quality in Kalar City- Kurdistan Region- Iraq, The analysis of correlation between Regimes River coefficient and runoff coefficient (Case study in catchment areas of sidutan and reak), Analysis of long-term trends (19502009) in precipitation, runoff and runoff coefficient in major urban watersheds in the United States, On-line water quality inspection system: the role of the wireless sensory network, Comparative analysis of weighted arithmetic and CCME Water Quality Index estimation methods, accuracy and representation, Forested lands dominate drinking water supply in the conterminous United States, Imaging Geophysicist / Scientist - 2023 Graduate Programme, Senior Scientist as Specialist (f/m/d) for Computing in the Institute for Accelerator Physics, Positions in Clean Water, Biodiversity and Environment (I4WORLD), Copyright 2023 IOP Influence of Geography on Society and Culture Article shared by : ADVERTISEMENTS: The following points highlight the four main factors of geography that have influence on society and culture. The Feature Paper can be either an original research article, a substantial novel research study that often involves Other city-states that were not on the shoreline, like Sparta in the southwest Peloponnese, relied on slave labor to tend to fields, craft goods, etc. ; Chang, H.-Y. Betweenness centrality (BC) measures the medium function of node connections. What were the major differences between Athens and Sparta. What are some similarities between current American society and ancient Greece with respect to art, architecture, and politics? The concept of bivariate elasticity was introduced by Jiang et al (2014) in order to measure the response of water quality parameters to precipitation and temperature [28]. Impacts. Linear and non-linear relationships between topography and socio-economic characteristics, and CEWQ. As the air moves up the windward side of a mountain, it cools, and the volume decreases. How did the ancient Greeks develop an advanced civilization? GDP positively favors P (P, P-UF), which might be linked with urbanization. Though a majority of the population is engaged in agriculture and rarely shift Spatial Structure of urban Agglomerations Based on the perspective of flow space: A case study of the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration. It is important to investigate the potential impacts of socio-economic variables on the strength and direction of water quality response to climate factors. The Mycenaeans, for example, ruled over much of the Peloponnese, while other mainland groups had control over northern Greece. Rugged terrain restricts the concentration of population in any area. Influence and Prediction of oasis urban expansion on Cultivated land space in Arid region: A case study of Hexi Corridor. From 2010 to 2020, industrial diversification developed; competitive industries, especially tourism, developed rapidly; vital complementary industries differentiated, and a network of complementary industrial functions was initially formed. More specifically speaking, topography aids in changing precipitation and temperature. Population density, which is higher in urban areas, is positively concerned with P (P, NOx-F). permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. Moreover, the increasing level of P (P, turbidity) and P (P, DOC) with increasing basin area is a multifactor context that depends upon population density, socioeconomic and topographic conditions, climatic conditions, treatment measures, etc. Political development-Because Ancient Greek city-states tended to be isolated from each other, they developed different types of government. Mountain ranges are natural barriers to air movement. Winds will also be gusty and spotting is more likely. [1] There are four branches of economic geography. The urban flow intensity model was used to analyze the outward function of industrial sectors in the urban agglomeration in 2020 (, According to the structural decomposition of the urban flow intensity of specific cities (, The dominant flow method is used to analyze the intensity of the urban flow of the three industries in each city, identify the industrial core backbone connection axis, and obtain the three industries first, second, third, and fourth most dominant flow directions (. The results of the current study enable the identification of socio-economic and topographic factors, which pose a high risk of instability to CEWQ parameters. land and water distribution [how close to or far from a large body of water]. 41771130. A comprehensive report prepared by EPA's Office of Research and Development entitled Connectivity of Streams and Wetlands to Downstream Waters: A Review and Synthesis of the Scientific Evidence (hereinafter, Science Report) in 2015 synthesized the peer-reviewed science. See further details. 4. Moreover, the particular influences on water chemistry exhibit regionalization owing to climatic and non-climatic factors [11, 12]. Liu, X.-X. (2) The extroversion ability of the industrial functional connection network is weak, and the extroversion function of the manufacturing industry is prominent. In addition to this, it will be helpful in preparing a surface water pollution prevention plan, which will be helpful in areas of declining peak flow volume, and in enhancing the filtration of sediment flux to bring sustainability in water environment. It depends on how close or how far it is to the equator. The current study is based on a sectioned-watershed (stated as sub-watershed) scale [33, 34]. Central Greece is surrounded by a lot of water, and the Peloponnese is mountainous and separated from the mainland by the Gulf of Corinth. 322 / MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT OF MOUNTAINOUS TOPOGRAPHY UPON CHINA'S ENVIRONMENT The mountainous topography exerts a very great influ-ence upon China's environment. The Coastal Range allows for some condensation and light precipitation. Tian, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Y. They utilized these colonies to feed their population and improve their economic condition. Yes. Published by IOP Publishing Ltd, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie GmbH. Wang, Y.-R.; Jia, Z.; Gu, R.-X. Lett. In the case of Cambodia, civil unrest in the past had forced a large number of people to migrate from one province to another. Due to economic globalization, the accelerated flow of production factors has given rise to a new form of production organization, the geographical level of regional competition has changed from city to region, and economic development tends to be integrated [, Economic linkage is a correlative and participatory economic behavior based on the exchange of capital, technology, commodities, and other factors between cities, expressed as the interaction between regional economic entities [. The precipitation elasticity (P, WQ) and temperature elasticity (T, WQ) are given by equations (1) and (2), respectively. Wind and air masses. Elevation has positive sign for T (T, PO43-F), which may be due to several reasons: high air temperature fuels the consumption of water for domestic purposes; high elevation is concerned with an enhanced rate of erosion, which favors the entry of particulate matter into waterbodies [18, 19, 33], and mineralization of organic matter, which releases P from deeper sediments stimulated by elevated water temperatures and biological activities [54]. Our team has collected thousands of questions that people keep asking in forums, blogs and in Google questions. Additional support was provided by the Southern University of Science and Technology (No. They cover physical parameters, and O, C, N, and P-parameters, which are representative and significant from a global perspective. Structural evolution of tourism economic link network and construction of collaborative development model in Yunnan Province. The human body reacts to high altitudes. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without Watersheds were selected based on long-term water quality records. How does topography affect economic development? This means that coastal locations tend to be cooler in summer and warmer in winter than places inland at the same latitude and altitude. Geography doesn't just determine whether humans can live in a certain area or not, it also determines people's lifestyles, as they adapt to the available food and climate patterns. Under fertilization and over fertilization have strong consequences for soil nutrition and surface water quality, respectively [22]. Rising air temperature accompanied by rainfall intensity can affect the mobilization of DOC [67]. Epirus is isolated by mountains. While they all share mountains as a basic geographic characteristic, they also have differences. On the other hand, it is connected with the neighboring Jinchang City in terms of material exchange at the level of production and consumption, connecting the belt industrial connection path as a network. For example, you might wear heavier clothing and tend to be physically stronger as a result of climbing often. tectonic uplift, fluvial erosion and deposition, mass wasting, volcanic activity and glaciation. All variables data was available at basin scale except the GDP and runoff coefficients. Its location was protected by the Apennine mountain range to the east and the Alps to the extreme north. There is a positive correlation between relief degree and elevation, and a much stronger correlation between relief degree and slope. The Greeks, through cultural diffusion, learned a great deal from the people they met through the travel of the seas. The impact of fertilizer application and socio-economic features on surface water quality vary by watershed. The above-mentioned data sets are publicly available and are at 0.50.5 latitude/longitude grid resolution. The analysis indicates that tourism industry keep tight correlation with the economic growth of the global economy while there are so many factors which affect the tourism industry positively and negatively which in the long run or short run affect the global economy of the world negatively and positively. Mountains can have a significant effect on rainfall. The greater the proximity to the center, the higher the proximity to other cities, and the less affected the city is by other nodes during the connection. As the pressure decreases, the air molecules expands and the temperature decreases. ; Liu, Y.-F.; Xu, S. Urban connection and function analysis of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle based on multi-dimensional urban factor flow. The five factors that determine the weather of any land area are: the amount of solar energy received because of latitude; the area's elevation or proximity to mountains; nearness to large bodies of water and relative temperatures of land and water; the number of such storm systems as cyclones, hurricanes, and Topographic barriers such as mountains and hills force prevailing winds up and over their slopes. There are six major controls of the climate of an area. Elevation. This led to the formation of city-states rather than a centralized "Greece". The polis would become the dominant political structure in Ancient Greece. In temperate climate class (C), GDP played the same role in stability, while the runoff coefficient, slope, and population density fuelled the risk of instability. The uncertainty of the regression results may be caused by spatial resolution, data range, and potential variable interaction. Secondly, this may be associated with the fact that precipitation is year round in the tropical climate, so there are no real low flow periods [27] that could increase the concentration of constituents. Topography The shape and features of Earths surface that affect the development of countries. The Spearman correlation matrix for CEWQ, watershed topographic and socio-economic attributes are listed in table S3 and table S4, which demonstrate the preliminary relationships among them. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies. GDP data was obtained from the World Bank ( When air reaches the mountains, it is forced to rise over this barrier. The topographic effect is the variation in radiance from an inclined surface compared to the radiance from a horizontal surface as a function of the surface orientation relative to the light source and sensor position. An economic tie network-structure analysis of urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of Changjiang River based on SNA. Spatio-temporal evolution of specialization in the agricultural production area of Hexi Corridor from 1998 to 2018. GDP shows a negative coefficient for T (T, turbidity). Figure 2 and figure 3 present a global pattern of CEWQ of the five main water quality parameters: water temperature, turbidity, DO, ammonia (filtered), and P (unfiltered). We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. ; Shi, P.-J. A general rule of thumb in understanding weather is warm air rises and cold air sinks., Xie X, Shi P. Dynamic Evolution and Collaborative Development Model of Urban Agglomeration in Hexi Corridor from the Perspective of Economic Flow. The intensification of human socio-economic activities, along with fertilizer and manure application for crop production, has strong consequences for surface water quality. The monthly air temperature (T, C) and precipitation (P, mm) data were extracted from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) [30, 31]. However, the present study found the opposite result where slope acts as sink rather than the source of pollutants. how people tried to overcome geographical features and provide for themselves and Screened for originality? Thirdly, we analyze and discuss how CEWQ stability is affected under different Koppen climate classes. what are the five factors that affect climate? Miao, H.-L.; Zhou, H. Comparison of Internal economic relations and hierarchical structure of three urban Agglomerations in China: Based on the comprehensive gravity model. Explanation: The increase in the elevation there will be decrease in the pressure. This may be attributed to restoration efforts [21] at the catchment scale or a consequence of precision farming, which reduces turbidity via irrigation tailwater discharge [21, 56]. Population density is negatively linked with T (T, DOC), T (T, PO43-F) and T (T, PO43-UF). Geological records show that there have been a number of large variations in the Earth's climate. The topography also helps in the generation of the high frequency mesoscale and subsynoptic disturbances over the region. These disturbances produce precipitation over the region and may also enhance precipitation systems over remote areas due to propagation of the disturbances. Editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be particularly Economic growth speeds up urbanization [62] where high population density contributes to phosphorous discharge through domestic sewage. ; Wu, K. Evolution of industrial investment network in the central core area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei under the background of functional decentralization. Variables data was available at basin scale except the gdp and runoff coefficients with P ( P temperature! 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